RE-PRESENTING JESUS mit Jonathan Roumie
12. November @ 21:00 – 23:00
Sharing Christ in Contemporary Culture – Christus heute erfahrbar machen
As the Body of Christ, we are called to make Jesus present in every age to all people.
This isn’t always easy. We can be limited by language and culture, and sometimes even our own actions can fall short of the Good News we’re sharing — and yet the Lord sends us out to represent him.
Today, we are blessed to live in a time of greater connectedness than ever before. How can we use this greater connectedness to share Jesus more powerfully and effectively with others?
Join Jonathan Roumie (The Chosen), Fr. James Mallon (Divine Renovation), and Nicky Gumbel (Alpha) in this crucial conversation on Tuesday, November 12 as they explore what it means to represent Jesus in our cultural context today and how the Church can embrace this moment to fulfill her mission of sharing Christ with all the nations.